Volume 1

The Ankle Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the ankle joint.

Identify basic movements in the ankle joint.

Identify major muscles of the ankle joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the ankle joint.

Volume 2

The Knee Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the knee joint.

Identify basic movements in the knee joint.

Identify major muscles of the knee joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the knee joint.

Describe relationships between the gastrocnemius and hamstring muscles.

Describe relationships between the quadriceps and hamstring muscles.



Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the role and anatomy of the hip joint and pelvic girdle.

Identify basic movements of the hip joint.

Identify major muscles of the hip joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the hip joint.

Volume 4

Combination Hip and Knee Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: Volume 2 - The Knee Joint, Volume 3 - The Hip Joint and Pelvic Girdle

Identify and describe combination hip and knee joint exercises.

Volume 5

The Spine - Abdominals

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the spine.

Identify basic movements of the spine.

Identify major abdominal muscles and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe abdominal exercises.

Volume 6

The Spine - Lower Back

Prerequisite eBooks: Volume 5 - The Spine - Abdominals

Identify additional movements of the spine.

Identify major lower back muscles and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe lower back exercises.

Describe the relationships between the midsection muscles and the hip adductors and abductors.

  1. Describe the relationships between the gluteus maximus, hamstrings and midsection muscles.

Volume 7

The Shoulder Joint

Prerequisite ebooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle.

Identify basic movements of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle.

Identify major muscles of the shoulder joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify major muscles of the shoulder girdle and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle

Describe relationships between the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle.


The Elbow Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the elbow joint.

Identify basic movements in the elbow joint.

Identify major muscles of the elbow joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe elbow joint flexion exercises.

Identify and describe elbow joint extension exercises.

Describe relationships between the shoulder and elbow joints.

Volume 9

The Radio-Ulnar Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the radio-ulnar joint.

Identify basic movements in the radio-ulnar joint.

Identify major muscles of the radio-ulnar joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the radio-ulnar joint.

Volume 10

The Wrist Joint

Prerequisite ebooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the wrist joint.

Identify basic movements of the wrist joint.

Identify major muscles of the wrist joint and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the wrist joint.

Describe relationships between the elbow and wrist joints.

Volume 11

Combination Shoulder and Elbow Joint

Prerequisite eBooks: Volume 7 - The Shoulder Joint, Volume 8 - The Elbow Joint

Identify and describe combination shoulder and elbow joint exercises.

Volume 11

The Respiratory System

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Identify the major inspiratory muscles and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify the major expiratory muscles and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of respiratory muscles.

Volume 13

The Fingers and Hand

Prerequisite eBooks: None

Describe the anatomy of the fingers and hand.

Identify basic movements of the fingers and hand.

Identify major muscles of the fingers and hand and describe their function and anatomy.

Identify and describe exercises of the fingers and hand.