Muscle Anatomy


The gracilis muscle is located in the medial aspect of the thigh, contributing to the inner contours of the leg. It is a long, slender muscle that runs along the inner thigh, adding to the musculature of this region.

Originating from the inferior ramus of the pubis and the adjacent ischial ramus, the gracilis takes its starting point from the bony structures of the pelvis.

The muscle inserts into the medial surface of the proximal tibia, specifically on the pes anserinus – a common insertion point shared with the sartorius and semitendinosus muscles. This insertion site establishes a connection with the inner aspect of the shinbone.

Functionally, the gracilis is a multi-articular muscle with actions at both the hip and knee joints. It contributes to hip adduction, pulling the thigh toward the midline of the body. Additionally, the muscle aids in knee flexion and internal rotation. The gracilis is particularly active during activities that involve crossing the legs, such as in sitting cross-legged or during certain aspects of gait. Its location and function make it an important component of the medial thigh muscles, influencing movements associated with hip and knee joints.